Mailing lists

From Department of Computer Science

The Department provides a mailing list service which can be used for communicating with members of your project or research group.

Departmental Lists

The following lists exist for communicating within the Department. To email the list append to the end of the list name. In most cases emailing to the list is restricted to members and will require the approval of the list administrator.


Restricted to staff in the Department. Staff are added manually with the approval of the Head of Department.

  • teaching

Restricted to teaching staff in the Department. Staff are added manually with the approval of the Head of Department.

  • grads

Restricted to present (and post) graduate students. Students doing the following courses are automatically added to this list:

  • CSC5000W
  • CSC6000W


Restricted to current Honours students. Students doing the following courses are automatically added to this list:

  • CSC4000W

Other Lists

Various other lists are available. New lists can be requested from the Systems Administrators.