Computer Laboratory

From Department of Computer Science


Senior Lab

This lab located on Level 2A of the Computer Science Building is for use by undergraduate students doing CS 2 and 3 courses.

Operating Systems

Workstations run a dual-boot configuration with the following operating systems:

  • Ubuntu
  • Linux

Select the operating system from the boot menu.

Software required for teaching CS 2 and 3 courses is installed on all workstations. See the Software page for instructions on how to request additional software.

This lab has no printing facilities.


Honours Lab

Workstations run a dual-boot configuration with the following operating systems:

  • Ubuntu
  • Linux

Select the operating system from the boot menu.

While any Honours student can log into any lab machine, a workstation is usually assigned to one or more students who are responsible for its administration. These administrators are responsible for installing any additional software required on the machine.

A Printing service is available.


Room 300

This is the main graduate lab.

The graduate co-ordinator is responsible for allocating workspace in this lab.

Workstations are provided by the students research supervisor.

Each student is responsible for his/her own workstation but may request assistance from the Systems Administrators.