Difference between revisions of "TSL"

From Department of Computer Science
(→‎Other: konversation)
(131 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
== TSL Todo list ==
== TSL Todo list ==
* Shorten / tie up flyleads
* Set BIOS passwords
* Provide tied down flyleads in the laptop areas (areas without PCs)
* Lock down network ports (MAC address)
* Build new image & re-image computers
* Install replaced / fixed computers
* Install replaced / fixed computers
* Roll out Karmic
== Current problems ==
== Current problems ==
;Network Sockets: SLAB013 SLAB016.
; Power Sockets: pc44
;Power Sockets: pc48
; Security Lug on PC: pc44
;Bad Images: 1,2,3,5,12,14,17,20,44,45,47,70,74
; Low Memory (256M): pc55
;Grub broken: 7, 8, 9, 12, 23, 35
; Bad HDD / BIOS: pc84
; BIOS Locked: pc79
=== Known Unreliable machines ===
; pc59: Unknown (2 Oct 2009)
; pc09: Bad network card, sensitive to cable position (2 Oct 2009)
; pc69: Thermal event (9 Oct 2009)
; pc07: BIOS Battery? (9 Oct 2009)
; pc21: BIOS Battery? (9 Oct 2009)
; pc76: Cold boot reqd (16 Oct 2009)
; pc46: Broken facade (16 Oct 2009)
; pc16: BIOS Battery? (16 Oct 2009)
; pc56: Lock cable doesn't pass through loop
=== Row 1 ===
;Working: 6
;Power: pc48
;No Power button: pc to the left of it
=== Row 2 ===
; Working: 7
; Missing: 1
=== Row 3 ===
; Working: 8
=== Row 4 ===
; Working: 8
=== Row 5 ===
; Working: 4
; Missing: 2
; Dead HDD: pc77
; Mouse cut: pc82
; VGA cut: pc-missing
=== Row 6 ===
; Working: 3
; Missing: 1
; All cables need tying
=== Long Row 1 ===
(by windows)
; Working: 16
; Missing: 0
; No flylead: pc02
; Lock doesn't attach pc to desk: pc31
=== Long Row 2 ===
; Working: 15
; Missing: 1
; Dusty: pc30
; No power button: next to pc40
== Wishlist for next rollout ==
== Image ==
== Image ==
Line 18: Line 72:
to get a list you can install
to get a list you can install
=== Not available in Karmic, but wanted in future ===
* eclipse-cdt
* eclipse-pydev
* dillo
* trayer
=== Games ===
=== Games ===
* bsdgames
* bsdgames
* bzflag
* bzflag
* dosbox
* einstein
* frozen-bubble
* frozen-bubble
* gnome-games
* gnome-games
* gtetrinet
* gtetrinet
* kobodeluxe
* neverball
* neverball
* nexuiz
* openarena
* openarena
* openttd
* openttd
* pingus
* pingus
* scummvm
* teeworlds
* teeworlds
* tetrinet-client
* tetrinet-client
* wesnoth
* wesnoth
* wormux
* wormux
* xmoto
=== Themes ===
* arc-colors
* community-themes
* gdm-themes
* gnome-backgrounds
* gnome-colors
* gnome-themes
* gnome-themes-extras
* gnome-themes-more
* metacity-themes
* shiki-colors
=== Editors ===
=== Editors ===
Line 39: Line 117:
* codeblocks
* codeblocks
* eclipse
* eclipse
* eclipse-cdt
* eclipse-pydev
* emacs
* emacs
* emacs-snapshot
* emacs-snapshot
* emacs-goodies-el
* eric
* eric
* geany
* geany
* idle
* idle
* idle-python2.5
* idle3
* joe
* joe
* kate
* kate
* kdevelop
* kdevelop
* lyx
* lyx
* monodevelop
* monodevelop-java
* netbeans
* netbeans
* scite
* scite
* spe
* spe
* vim-full
* vim-gtk
* vim-nox
* vim-latexsuite
* vim-vimoutliner
* xemacs21
* xemacs21
=== Docs ===
=== Docs ===
* ant-doc
* apache2-doc
* aspell-doc
* autoconf-doc
* automake1.9-doc
* bash-doc
* cdrkit-doc
* ddd-doc
* devhelp
* devhelp
* diveintopython
* diveintopython
* doxygen-doc
* flex-doc
* gawk-doc
* gcc-doc
* gdb-doc
* git-doc
* glut-doc
* gmp-doc
* gnuplot-doc
* graphviz-doc
* gtkmm-documentation
* gtkmm-documentation
* haskell-doc
* jlint-doc
* libboost-doc
* manpages-dev
* manpages-dev
* octave-doc
* perl-doc
* php-doc
* python-doc
* python-doc
* python-matplotlib-doc
* python-numpy-doc
* python-qt4-doc
* qt4-doc
* r-doc-html
* rubybook
* splint-doc-html
* stl-manual
* stl-manual
* sun-java6-doc
* tidy-doc
* xchm
* zsh-doc
=== Version Control ===
=== Version Control ===
Line 78: Line 201:
=== Debugging ===
=== Debugging ===
* ddd
* ddd
* d-feet
* lsof
* lsof
* ltrace
* ltrace
Line 88: Line 212:
* bicyclerepair
* bicyclerepair
* bison
* bison
* bpython
* bsh
* bsh
* build-essential
* build-essential
* clisp
* clisp
* cmake
* cmake
* csstidy
* devscripts
* devscripts
* dh-make
* docbook
* docbook
* flex
* flex
Line 106: Line 233:
* graphviz
* graphviz
* ipython
* ipython
* jlint
* kiki
* kiki
* libboost-dev
* libcurl4-openssl-dev
* libghc6-xmonad-dev
* libghc6-xmonad-dev
* libgtkmm-2.4-dev
* libgtkmm-2.4-dev
Line 122: Line 252:
* libsdl-stretch-dev
* libsdl-stretch-dev
* libsdl-ttf2.0-dev
* libsdl-ttf2.0-dev
* linklint
* malbolge
* mesa-utils
* mesa-utils
* mono-debugger
* octave
* octave
* perltidy
* php5-cli
* php5-tidy
* posh
* pyflakes
* pyflakes
* pylint
* pylint
Line 133: Line 270:
* python-crypto
* python-crypto
* python-dateutil
* python-dateutil
* python-django
* python-fuse
* python-gmpy
* python-html5lib
* python-html5lib
* python-jinja
* python-jinja
* python-matplotlib
* python-matplotlib
* python-profiler
* python-psyco
* python-pydot
* python-pygame
* python-pygame
* python-pysqlite2
* python-pysqlite2
* python-qt4
* python-sphinx
* python-simplejson
* python-simplejson
* python-scipy
* python-scipy
* python-soappy
* python-soappy
* python-sqlalchemy
* python-sqlalchemy
* python-turbogears
* python-twisted
* python-twisted
* python-visual
* python-visual
* qt4-designer
* qt4-designer
* r-recommended
* r-recommended
* ruby-full
* ruby-gnome2
* ruby-kde4
* speedcrunch
* speedcrunch
* splint
* sun-java6-jdk
* sun-java6-jdk
* sun-java6-plugin
* sun-java6-plugin
* tidy
* texlive-full
* texlive-full
* wxmaxima
* wxmaxima
=== System ===
=== Command Line ===
* ascii
* ack-grep
* ack-grep
* fluxbox
* cadaver
* clusterssh
* cowsay
* curl
* dot2tex
* elinks
* figlet
* fortune-mod
* hping3
* htop
* htop
* indent
* imagemagick
* imagemagick
* irssi
* irssi
* ldap-auth-client
* links
* ldap-utils
* links2
* lftp
* lftp
* lynx
* manpages
* manpages
* moreutils
* moreutils
* mtr-tiny
* mtr-tiny
* nis
* nfs-common
* ntp
* openssh-server
* openssl
* openssl
* p7zip-full
* p7zip-rar
* pdfjam
* pdftk
* poppler-utils
* poppler-utils
* pssh
* pwgen
* qemu
* quota
* quota
* rdesktop
* rsync
* rsync
* screen
* screen
* smartmontools
* sl
* tmpreaper
* socat
* star
* toilet
* traceroute
* traceroute
* tsocks
* tsocks
Line 181: Line 347:
* unrar
* unrar
* unzip
* unzip
* w3m
* whois
* zsh
=== System ===
* alien
* cntlm
* fusedav
* fuseiso
* fusesmb
* ldap-auth-client
* ldap-utils
* ncpfs
* nis
* nfs-common
* openntpd
* openssh-server
* smartmontools
* sshfs
* tmpreaper
* wbritish
* wbritish
* whois
* xtightvncviewer
=== Databases ===
* xmonad
* mysql-client
* mysql-doc-5.0
* libmysqlclient-dev
* libmysql++-dev
* libpg-java
* libpq-dev
* libpqxx-dev
* libsqlite-dev
* php5-mysql
* php5-sqlite
* php5-pgsql
* postgresql-client
* postgresql-doc
* python-mysqldb
* python-psycopg2
* sqlite3
* sqlite3-doc
=== Other ===
=== Other ===
Line 191: Line 393:
* blender
* blender
* dia
* dia
* firefox-3.5
* dwm-tools
* epiphany-browser
* flashplugin-nonfree
* flashplugin-nonfree
* fluxbox
* gajim
* gnumeric
* gnumeric
* gwibber
* impressive
* inkscape
* inkscape
* konsole
* konsole
Line 199: Line 406:
* konversation
* konversation
* linuxdcpp
* linuxdcpp
* mplayer
* midori
* openoffice.org-draw
* openoffice.org-draw
* openoffice.org-pdfimport
* pcmanfm
* pdfedit
* pdfedit
* pidgin-plugin-pack
* planner
* planner
* rdesktop
* scribus
* scribus
* stalonetray
* ubuntu-restricted-extras
* ubuntu-restricted-extras
* wine
* wine
* yakuake
* yakuake
* xchat
* xchat
* xtightvncviewer
* xmonad
=== Multimedia ===
* ffmpeg
* non-free-codecs
* libavdevice-unstripped-52
* libavfilter-unstripped-0
* libavformat-unstripped-52
* mencoder
* mplayer
* vlc
* youtube-dl
=== Fonts ===
=== Fonts ===
* ttf-adf
* ttf-aenigma
* ttf-aenigma
* ttf-atarismall
* ttf-atarismall
Line 257: Line 481:
* any MTA
* any MTA
* old kernels
* old kernels
* network-manager
* shut down unnecessary services
* Spring clean /etc/xdg/autostart
* Use the PolicyKit Authorizations manager to disable suspend and hibernate for normal users.
* rm /etc/hostname
* Remove the line from /etc/hosts
* /etc/ntp.conf
* /etc/apt/sources.list
  server ntp1.uct.ac.za iburst prefer
deb http://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/ubuntu lucid main universe multiverse restricted
  server ntp2.uct.ac.za iburst
deb http://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/ubuntu lucid-updates main universe multiverse restricted
  server ntp3.uct.ac.za iburst
deb http://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/ubuntu lucid-security main universe multiverse restricted
  server dreamcoat.che.uct.ac.za iburst
deb http://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/medibuntu lucid free non-free
  server emperor.che.uct.ac.za iburst
deb http://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/pub/linux/tsl-ppa lucid main
* Install
medibuntu-keyring, tsl-desktop
* /etc/openntpd/ntpd.conf
  server ntp1.uct.ac.za
  server ntp2.uct.ac.za
  server ntp3.uct.ac.za
  server dreamcoat.che.uct.ac.za
  server emperor.che.uct.ac.za
* visudo
Defaults        env_reset
root    ALL=(ALL) ALL
* /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAw4nGVrw+0uJpjJecuL8qjhm0O67ZrXux79fgN2ChdJoiB47KrIfgbWbpdHQiBWWDQjm9ttyf48/kLWwWbSW/DYKxRAH2vSCbpPaabqHB+ixaDKX9Vh8S0fNiOrZnWLwKmgnsdUV08ivk25k5d4NFSjmKvr6Dsp8RyCr+1sZfpdKOu+J1thwlNVkOFJxKxWwezgfflc/+KGbhFCH8Ya0hzellYQiX3px659Ydx4PdSGhT/Td7MK0onC1lK5X2hU3QSr49fwji06lAig1dpHeS4dnOFu2gxFRvlLZqmj31rwIVXQqoZyiIUuAs9EnFKfUVR34k5v20baXQ1bRqd4HgEQ== TSL Key
* /etc/tmpreaper.conf
* /etc/tmpreaper.conf
* /etc/eclipse/java_home
* /usr/lib/eclipse/configuration/config.ini
* /etc/update-manager/meta-release
* /etc/update-manager/meta-release
  URI = http://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/pub/linux/ubuntu-changelogs/leg/meta-release
  URI = http://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/pub/linux/ubuntu-changelogs/leg/meta-release
  URI_LTS = http://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/pub/linux/ubuntu-changelogs/leg/meta-release-lts
  URI_LTS = http://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/pub/linux/ubuntu-changelogs/leg/meta-release-lts
* /etc/yp.conf
* /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades
Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins {
        "Ubuntu lucid-security";
        "Ubuntu lucid-updates";
        "Ubuntu lucid";
        "Medibuntu lucid";
        "LP-PPA-stefanor-tsl lucid";
Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Dependencies "true";
Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot "true";
* /etc/grub.d/01_tsl_password
set -e
cat << EOF
set superusers="root"
password_pbkdf2 root grub.pbkdf2.sha512.10000.3712EBD4A97D0FAAA7008F8AB0FFDB733EFB913434799BC1A5E1CE2C91345A61E06BE8A1C8F9276AD46B99B7DE721B00151318B186DD33104239DF4161936A1A.7F07A1B5B046FBA4F6BE254C3923A391B2D668CF6F074C78FC77D9613434FA4F8F12E74F8A2DC74B85CBAC590F1B92A5AC285035D6915AD0A8FFE676FFC85F5D
* /etc/nsswitch.conf
* /etc/nsswitch.conf
  passwd:        nis files
  passwd:        files ldap
  group:          compat nis files
  group:          files ldap
  shadow:        nis files
  shadow:        files ldap
* /etc/fstab:
* /etc/fstab:
  tsl.uct.ac.za:/home /home nfs rw,sync 0 0
  tsl.uct.ac.za:/home /home nfs rw,sync 0 0
* /etc/ldap.conf:
* /etc/ldap.conf:
  uri ldaps://ucttldap1.uct.ac.za/ ldaps://ucttldap2.uct.ac.za/ ldaps://ucttldap3.uct.ac.za/
  base dc=tsl,dc=uct,dc=ac,dc=za
  base  ou=main, o=uct
uri ldaps://tsl.uct.ac.za/
pam_filter objectclass=ndsloginproperties
  ldap_version 3
pam_login_attribute cn
  pam_password md5
  pam_password nds
  tls_checkpeer no
  tls_checkpeer no
* /etc/security/group.conf
* /etc/security/group.conf
  *;*;*;Al0000-2400; audio,floppy,video,cdrom,plugdev
  *;*;*;Al0000-2400; audio,floppy,video,cdrom,plugdev,fuse
* /etc/firefox-3.[05]/pref/firefox.js
* /etc/firefox-3.[05]/pref/firefox.js
  // UCT Proxy
  // UCT Proxy
Line 301: Line 554:
* /etc/firefox-homepage.properties
* /etc/firefox-homepage.properties
* /usr/share/gdm/themes/Human/Human.xml
* /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory/%gconf-tree.xml
  <!-- TSL Help -->
<nowiki><?xml version="1.0"?>
  <item type="rect" id="custom-tsl-help">
    <pos y="10%" width="box" height="box" x="50%" anchor="n"/>
<dir name="apps">
    <box spacing="2" orientation="vertical">
<dir name="nautilus">
      <item type="label">
<dir name="preferences">
        <pos x="50%" anchor="n"/>
<entry name="thumbnail_limit" mtime="1252410114" type="int" value="512000"/>
        <normal font="Sans 14" color="#ffffff"/>
<dir name="gdm">
      <item type="label">
<dir name="simple-greeter">
        <normal font="Sans 12" color="#ffffff"/>
<entry name="banner_message_enable" mtime="1268226887" type="bool" value="true"/>
        <text>e-mail help@tsl.uct.ac.za</text>
<entry name="banner_message_text" mtime="1268226887" type="string">
<stringvalue>Any problems? Email help@tsl.uct.ac.za</stringvalue>
<entry name="disable_user_list" mtime="1268226887" type="bool" value="true"/>
<dir name="desktop">
<dir name="gnome">
<dir name="applications">
<dir name="window_manager">
<entry name="default" mtime="1252403218" type="string">
<dir name="system">
<dir name="http_proxy">
<entry name="ignore_hosts" mtime="1252519008" type="list" ltype="string">
<li type="string">
<li type="string">
<li type="string">
<li type="string">
<li type="string">
<entry name="host" mtime="1252518985" type="string">
<entry name="use_http_proxy" mtime="1252519071" type="bool" value="true"/>
<dir name="proxy">
<entry name="secure_port" mtime="1252518992" type="int" value="8080"/>
<entry name="secure_host" mtime="1252518987" type="string">
<entry name="mode" mtime="1252518982" type="string">
* chmod 500 /var/lib/gdm/.gconf
* /var/lib/gdm/.gconf.path
# treat system-wide settings as mandatory
# override some settings
# we treat settings in this location as
# owned by GDM.  Sysadmins should create
# another source if they wish to override them.
# distribution default values
* /etc/cntlm.conf
Domain          WF
Proxy          campusnet.uct.ac.za:8080
Listen          8080
NTLMToBasic    yes
=== Pre-imaging ===
* Remove the two lines from /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
* A bunch of other useful things to remove: http://live.debian.net/gitweb?p=live-build.git;a=blob;f=scripts/build/lb_chroot_hacks

Latest revision as of 16:10, 12 October 2011

TSL Todo list

  • Set BIOS passwords
  • Lock down network ports (MAC address)
  • Install replaced / fixed computers
  • Roll out Karmic

Current problems

Power Sockets
Security Lug on PC
Low Memory (256M)
BIOS Locked

Known Unreliable machines

Unknown (2 Oct 2009)
Bad network card, sensitive to cable position (2 Oct 2009)
Thermal event (9 Oct 2009)
BIOS Battery? (9 Oct 2009)
BIOS Battery? (9 Oct 2009)
Cold boot reqd (16 Oct 2009)
Broken facade (16 Oct 2009)
BIOS Battery? (16 Oct 2009)
Lock cable doesn't pass through loop

Row 1

No Power button
pc to the left of it

Row 2


Row 3


Row 4


Row 5

Dead HDD
Mouse cut
VGA cut

Row 6

All cables need tying

Long Row 1

(by windows)

No flylead
Lock doesn't attach pc to desk

Long Row 2

No power button
next to pc40

Wishlist for next rollout


Paste the source of the following into:

sed -ne 's/^* // p' | tr '\n' ' '; echo

to get a list you can install

Not available in Karmic, but wanted in future

  • eclipse-cdt
  • eclipse-pydev
  • dillo
  • trayer


  • bsdgames
  • bzflag
  • dosbox
  • einstein
  • frozen-bubble
  • gnome-games
  • gtetrinet
  • kobodeluxe
  • neverball
  • nexuiz
  • openarena
  • openttd
  • pingus
  • scummvm
  • teeworlds
  • tetrinet-client
  • wesnoth
  • wormux
  • xmoto


  • arc-colors
  • community-themes
  • gdm-themes
  • gnome-backgrounds
  • gnome-colors
  • gnome-themes
  • gnome-themes-extras
  • gnome-themes-more
  • metacity-themes
  • shiki-colors


  • anjuta
  • bluefish
  • codeblocks
  • eclipse
  • eclipse-cdt
  • eclipse-pydev
  • emacs
  • emacs-snapshot
  • emacs-goodies-el
  • eric
  • geany
  • idle
  • idle-python2.5
  • idle3
  • joe
  • kate
  • kdevelop
  • lyx
  • monodevelop
  • monodevelop-java
  • netbeans
  • scite
  • spe
  • vim-gtk
  • vim-nox
  • vim-latexsuite
  • vim-vimoutliner
  • xemacs21


  • ant-doc
  • apache2-doc
  • aspell-doc
  • autoconf-doc
  • automake1.9-doc
  • bash-doc
  • cdrkit-doc
  • ddd-doc
  • devhelp
  • diveintopython
  • doxygen-doc
  • flex-doc
  • gawk-doc
  • gcc-doc
  • gdb-doc
  • git-doc
  • glut-doc
  • gmp-doc
  • gnuplot-doc
  • graphviz-doc
  • gtkmm-documentation
  • haskell-doc
  • jlint-doc
  • libboost-doc
  • manpages-dev
  • octave-doc
  • perl-doc
  • php-doc
  • python-doc
  • python-matplotlib-doc
  • python-numpy-doc
  • python-qt4-doc
  • qt4-doc
  • r-doc-html
  • rubybook
  • splint-doc-html
  • stl-manual
  • sun-java6-doc
  • tidy-doc
  • xchm
  • zsh-doc

Version Control

  • cvs
  • bzr
  • bzr-gtk
  • bzr-svn
  • bzrtools
  • darcs
  • git-core
  • meld
  • mercurial
  • subversion
  • subversion-tools
  • svk


  • ddd
  • d-feet
  • lsof
  • ltrace
  • strace
  • valgrind


  • ant
  • ant-optional
  • bicyclerepair
  • bison
  • bpython
  • bsh
  • build-essential
  • clisp
  • cmake
  • csstidy
  • devscripts
  • dh-make
  • docbook
  • flex
  • freeglut3-dev
  • fpc
  • gcc-4.1
  • gdc
  • g++-4.1
  • gengetopt
  • ghc
  • gnome-devel
  • gnuplot
  • graphviz
  • ipython
  • jlint
  • kiki
  • libboost-dev
  • libcurl4-openssl-dev
  • libghc6-xmonad-dev
  • libgtkmm-2.4-dev
  • libphobos-4.2-dev
  • libqt4-dev
  • libqwt-dev
  • libsdl-console-dev
  • libsdl-dev
  • libsdl-gfx1.2-dev
  • libsdl-image1.2-dev
  • libsdl-mixer1.2-dev
  • libsdl-net1.2-dev
  • libsdl-pango-dev
  • libsdl-sound1.2-dev
  • libsdl-stretch-dev
  • libsdl-ttf2.0-dev
  • linklint
  • malbolge
  • mesa-utils
  • mono-debugger
  • octave
  • perltidy
  • php5-cli
  • php5-tidy
  • posh
  • pyflakes
  • pylint
  • python3
  • python-all-dev
  • python-beautifulsoup
  • python-celementtree
  • python-configobj
  • python-crypto
  • python-dateutil
  • python-django
  • python-fuse
  • python-gmpy
  • python-html5lib
  • python-jinja
  • python-matplotlib
  • python-profiler
  • python-psyco
  • python-pydot
  • python-pygame
  • python-pysqlite2
  • python-qt4
  • python-sphinx
  • python-simplejson
  • python-scipy
  • python-soappy
  • python-sqlalchemy
  • python-turbogears
  • python-twisted
  • python-visual
  • qt4-designer
  • r-recommended
  • ruby-full
  • ruby-gnome2
  • ruby-kde4
  • speedcrunch
  • splint
  • sun-java6-jdk
  • sun-java6-plugin
  • tidy
  • texlive-full
  • wxmaxima

Command Line

  • ascii
  • ack-grep
  • cadaver
  • clusterssh
  • cowsay
  • curl
  • dot2tex
  • elinks
  • figlet
  • fortune-mod
  • hping3
  • htop
  • indent
  • imagemagick
  • irssi
  • links
  • links2
  • lftp
  • lynx
  • manpages
  • moreutils
  • mtr-tiny
  • openssl
  • p7zip-full
  • p7zip-rar
  • pdfjam
  • pdftk
  • poppler-utils
  • pssh
  • pwgen
  • qemu
  • quota
  • rsync
  • screen
  • sl
  • socat
  • star
  • toilet
  • traceroute
  • tsocks
  • units
  • unrar
  • unzip
  • w3m
  • whois
  • zsh


  • alien
  • cntlm
  • fusedav
  • fuseiso
  • fusesmb
  • ldap-auth-client
  • ldap-utils
  • ncpfs
  • nis
  • nfs-common
  • openntpd
  • openssh-server
  • smartmontools
  • sshfs
  • tmpreaper
  • wbritish


  • mysql-client
  • mysql-doc-5.0
  • libmysqlclient-dev
  • libmysql++-dev
  • libpg-java
  • libpq-dev
  • libpqxx-dev
  • libsqlite-dev
  • php5-mysql
  • php5-sqlite
  • php5-pgsql
  • postgresql-client
  • postgresql-doc
  • python-mysqldb
  • python-psycopg2
  • sqlite3
  • sqlite3-doc


  • abiword
  • amarok
  • blender
  • dia
  • dwm-tools
  • epiphany-browser
  • flashplugin-nonfree
  • fluxbox
  • gajim
  • gnumeric
  • gwibber
  • impressive
  • inkscape
  • konsole
  • konqueror
  • konversation
  • linuxdcpp
  • midori
  • openoffice.org-draw
  • openoffice.org-pdfimport
  • pcmanfm
  • pdfedit
  • pidgin-plugin-pack
  • planner
  • rdesktop
  • scribus
  • stalonetray
  • ubuntu-restricted-extras
  • wine
  • yakuake
  • xchat
  • xtightvncviewer
  • xmonad


  • ffmpeg
  • non-free-codecs
  • libavdevice-unstripped-52
  • libavfilter-unstripped-0
  • libavformat-unstripped-52
  • mencoder
  • mplayer
  • vlc
  • youtube-dl


  • ttf-aenigma
  • ttf-atarismall
  • ttf-beteckna
  • ttf-breip
  • ttf-droid
  • ttf-dustin
  • ttf-ecolier-court
  • ttf-ecolier-lignes-court
  • ttf-engadget
  • ttf-essays1743
  • ttf-f500
  • ttf-fifthhorseman-dkg-handwriting
  • ttf-georgewilliams
  • ttf-goudybookletter
  • ttf-inconsolata
  • ttf-isabella
  • ttf-jsmath
  • ttf-junicode
  • ttf-konatu
  • ttf-larabie-deco
  • ttf-larabie-straight
  • ttf-larabie-uncommon
  • ttf-linux-libertine
  • ttf-marvosym
  • ttf-mscorefonts-installer
  • ttf-ocr-a
  • ttf-oflb-asana-math
  • ttf-oflb-euterpe
  • ttf-radisnoir
  • ttf-sil-gentium
  • ttf-sil-gentium-basic
  • ttf-sjfonts
  • ttf-staypuft
  • ttf-summersby
  • ttf-tomsontalks
  • ttf-tuffy
  • ttf-ubuntu-title
  • ttf-unifont
  • ttf-xfree86-nonfree

Post Install

Get rid of:

  • any MTA
  • old kernels
  • shut down unnecessary services
  • Spring clean /etc/xdg/autostart
  • Use the PolicyKit Authorizations manager to disable suspend and hibernate for normal users.
  • rm /etc/hostname
  • Remove the line from /etc/hosts


  • /etc/apt/sources.list
deb http://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/ubuntu lucid main universe multiverse restricted
deb http://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/ubuntu lucid-updates main universe multiverse restricted
deb http://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/ubuntu lucid-security main universe multiverse restricted
deb http://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/medibuntu lucid free non-free
deb http://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/pub/linux/tsl-ppa lucid main
  • Install
medibuntu-keyring, tsl-desktop
  • /etc/openntpd/ntpd.conf
server ntp1.uct.ac.za
server ntp2.uct.ac.za
server ntp3.uct.ac.za
server dreamcoat.che.uct.ac.za
server emperor.che.uct.ac.za
  • visudo
Defaults        env_reset
root    ALL=(ALL) ALL
  • /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAw4nGVrw+0uJpjJecuL8qjhm0O67ZrXux79fgN2ChdJoiB47KrIfgbWbpdHQiBWWDQjm9ttyf48/kLWwWbSW/DYKxRAH2vSCbpPaabqHB+ixaDKX9Vh8S0fNiOrZnWLwKmgnsdUV08ivk25k5d4NFSjmKvr6Dsp8RyCr+1sZfpdKOu+J1thwlNVkOFJxKxWwezgfflc/+KGbhFCH8Ya0hzellYQiX3px659Ydx4PdSGhT/Td7MK0onC1lK5X2hU3QSr49fwji06lAig1dpHeS4dnOFu2gxFRvlLZqmj31rwIVXQqoZyiIUuAs9EnFKfUVR34k5v20baXQ1bRqd4HgEQ== TSL Key
  • /etc/tmpreaper.conf
  • /etc/update-manager/meta-release
URI = http://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/pub/linux/ubuntu-changelogs/leg/meta-release
URI_LTS = http://ftp.leg.uct.ac.za/pub/linux/ubuntu-changelogs/leg/meta-release-lts
  • /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades
Unattended-Upgrade::Allowed-Origins {
        "Ubuntu lucid-security";
        "Ubuntu lucid-updates";
        "Ubuntu lucid";
        "Medibuntu lucid";
        "LP-PPA-stefanor-tsl lucid";
Unattended-Upgrade::Remove-Unused-Dependencies "true";
Unattended-Upgrade::Automatic-Reboot "true";
  • /etc/grub.d/01_tsl_password
set -e
cat << EOF
set superusers="root"
password_pbkdf2 root grub.pbkdf2.sha512.10000.3712EBD4A97D0FAAA7008F8AB0FFDB733EFB913434799BC1A5E1CE2C91345A61E06BE8A1C8F9276AD46B99B7DE721B00151318B186DD33104239DF4161936A1A.7F07A1B5B046FBA4F6BE254C3923A391B2D668CF6F074C78FC77D9613434FA4F8F12E74F8A2DC74B85CBAC590F1B92A5AC285035D6915AD0A8FFE676FFC85F5D
  • /etc/nsswitch.conf
passwd:         files ldap
group:          files ldap
shadow:         files ldap
  • /etc/fstab:
tsl.uct.ac.za:/home	/home	nfs	rw,sync		0	0
  • /etc/ldap.conf:
base dc=tsl,dc=uct,dc=ac,dc=za
uri ldaps://tsl.uct.ac.za/
ldap_version 3
pam_password md5
tls_checkpeer no
  • /etc/security/group.conf
*;*;*;Al0000-2400; audio,floppy,video,cdrom,plugdev,fuse
  • /etc/firefox-3.[05]/pref/firefox.js
// UCT Proxy
pref("network.proxy.autoconfig_url", "http://www.uct.ac.za/cache.pac");
pref("network.proxy.type", 2);
pref("browser.cache.disk.capacity", 3000);
  • /etc/firefox-3.[05]/pref/ubufox.js
pref("browser.startup.homepage", "file:/etc/firefox-homepage.properties");
  • /etc/firefox-homepage.properties
  • /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.mandatory/%gconf-tree.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
 	<dir name="apps">
 		<dir name="nautilus">
 			<dir name="preferences">
 				<entry name="thumbnail_limit" mtime="1252410114" type="int" value="512000"/>
 		<dir name="gdm">
 			<dir name="simple-greeter">
				<entry name="banner_message_enable" mtime="1268226887" type="bool" value="true"/>
				<entry name="banner_message_text" mtime="1268226887" type="string">
					<stringvalue>Any problems? Email help@tsl.uct.ac.za</stringvalue>
				<entry name="disable_user_list" mtime="1268226887" type="bool" value="true"/>
 	<dir name="desktop">
 		<dir name="gnome">
 			<dir name="applications">
 				<dir name="window_manager">
 					<entry name="default" mtime="1252403218" type="string">
 	<dir name="system">
 		<dir name="http_proxy">
 			<entry name="ignore_hosts" mtime="1252519008" type="list" ltype="string">
 				<li type="string">
 				<li type="string">
 				<li type="string">
 				<li type="string">
 				<li type="string">
 			<entry name="host" mtime="1252518985" type="string">
 			<entry name="use_http_proxy" mtime="1252519071" type="bool" value="true"/>
 		<dir name="proxy">
 			<entry name="secure_port" mtime="1252518992" type="int" value="8080"/>
 			<entry name="secure_host" mtime="1252518987" type="string">
 			<entry name="mode" mtime="1252518982" type="string">

  • chmod 500 /var/lib/gdm/.gconf
  • /var/lib/gdm/.gconf.path
# treat system-wide settings as mandatory

# override some settings
# we treat settings in this location as
# owned by GDM.  Sysadmins should create
# another source if they wish to override them.

# distribution default values
  • /etc/cntlm.conf
Domain          WF
Proxy           campusnet.uct.ac.za:8080
Listen          8080
NTLMToBasic     yes
